Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bitter Sweet Pt.3

The Beginning....
I have more travels to come soon...

1 comment:

  1. Good day allfruitsrype, i have been reading your blog often even though i don't comment much...
    would you mind if i ask a kind of a personal question....

    I am Jamaican but i have lived in America since 11 years of age, now i plan on going to Japan, or possibly Jamaica....
    however my intention would be to live in Japan indefinitely but i have some reservations.

    If you don't mind, what i wanted to ask you is this, could you tell me what about there you don't like, how are employers? are the reticent if you are a foreigner?

    In regards to Jamaica, how are job opportunities out there, for someone like me who haven't lived there in so long, would it be a long adjustment period.
    Your answer would hold more weight that's why i am asking you this because i would like an honest opinion.....

    I don't mind trying and failing but my situation is precarious, so i need to be more certain before i leap....

    thanks for taking the time to answer me, and my apologies for the random nature of these questions as well as the length....
