Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010, Taking Chances Pt.2 No Regrets

It's not over until it's over, but I may not want to write anything in the last So I'll write them at the year end and keep moving forward.

Since I've been here, up until now, I have no regrets. Everyday I'm learning so naturally I did things out of my character at times, I made plenty of mistakes, but it's all part of the learning/growth process. I also learned valuable lessons, and met people that I hope I can keep in contact with no matter where we end up in this world.

I haven't really been too detailed on my blog. Usually I just wrote about what I did during the week and my ambitions. I really didn't want to write a lot because I would say I'm a very extreme or intense person, so I didn't really want to share too much of my inner thoughts, even though it may have made the blog more interesting. A lot of my stubbornness and "intensiveness" created a lot of motivation for myself, but it could have also been a set back during my adventure because it could prevent me from meeting people, or from seeing other methods to my goal. The good thing about me being stubborn was I never wanted to stop learning even if it meant making mistakes until I got what I wanted to learn right.

Also, I feel like I should share more of my background just so you get a better idea of where I'm coming from. My background and past experiences/travels have definitely shaped a lot of my decisions and my perspective on a lot of things here in Japan. Maybe I will write about that more in a later post.

The only thing I hope I didn't interfere with too much is my parent's dreams as well. I wish I could repay them everything so that their dreams could come true as well without too many problems. My parents always back me 100% in everything I do, whether I fail or succeed, but this is something huge that I could not have done without them at all.

No matter where I end up, I'm never giving up, and I'm going to put everything I've got into everything I do as usual until I succeed. Always aim high! Some say my expectations and my goals are too high, but nothing feels better than reaching those goals even if it takes a long time, reaching smaller goals in the mean time, so keep going!

Have a happy and blessed New Year! 良いお年を!

lol Just how I feel :p

1 comment:

  1. Hey friend...I wish you posted something like today or yesterday. I watch the news over here, so of course I am worrying about my friend. Is everything ok with you? please say yes :'(.
