I know that it has been a while since I have put up a post, but a lot has been going on. I decided to leave Japan, but even before the Tohoku Disaster happened. Where I was in Kobe, Japan, was not at all affected by anything that happened or that is happening as far as the disaster. We still had to go to school, and everyone had to go to work. As far as I know, Kansai was ok. A lot of people from the Tohoku region are going to Kansai and other parts of Japan that were not affected by the disaster.
Actually a friend in New York Skyped me and told me what was going on the day of the earthquake. I did not have a tv in my room so I was clueless at the time. Even when there have been earthquakes in Kobe during the past year, I did not feel one.
As far as I was concerned, I was not afraid of the earthquake or tsunami if they were to come because there would be nothing I could have done. On the other hand, I think a lot more people, including my roommates and I were afraid of the radiation. My heart goes out to those that were in the Tohoku region.
40 minutes ago
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