Today was the last day of class before summer break!! Today was ok, but then near the end there was a bit of turbulence. There was a forum where universities came to talk to the students about their schools and what they had to offer. That's fine, but it was not optional and we had to ask questions, so I had to go.
Anybody that knows me, knows that as open minded as I can be, I hate being forced into things. Anytime I feel a forcing feeling I run like the If there's a good reason behind something, or if I just straight up have to do it, I'll do it. But no matter what, whether it's a relationship, a shoe, a situation, I hate forced stuff. I like to just flow with things as natural as possible. Now that I think about it, even force ripe fruit, I won't touch it. It has to be propa.
Probably the biggest reason for this feeling is that I dread having to go back to school. After grinding out school and even finish college early, I just don't want anything to do with it. Between how the education system is run, and financial reasons I just get the creeps thinking about going to school. After all the slugging, what does the piece of paper mean? I have the capability to do any job somebody were to give me, whether in Japanese or English, or whatever language, wherever,I just need somebody to believe that. I'm not much of a talker, because I don't believe that's what sells a product or a person. Action is the key. In any many situations, performance is what gives something lasting credibility and leaves a lasting impression.
So when I do find a job, and any other aspect of my life, people will see what I have to offer through my actions.
世の中狂ってる… 「リザードン」みたいなチートスがオークションにて1300万円で落札
1 hour ago
まあ話さ.....Computer crashd have no skype so email me. Im goin to be FL for a bit .... until then chow :-)