Monday, June 28, 2010

New Wheels

In a previous post where I talked about going to library and using a bike, I talked about how much I didn't want a bike and so on. After playing with the thought for three months, I finally gave in and bought a bike today!! It will definitely cut down the time it takes to get from point A to B and that's probably the biggest advantage for me. Also, I can see a lot more of Kobe this way!! I can definitely keep my options open in terms of transportation, bike, foot, bus, train, plane, it's all there now.On Friday, there was another bike that I saw that was well in budget, but I ended up getting this one. I think it'll work out well :)By the way this is Harbor Land. This is also where you can see Port Tower which I am standing in front of in one of the pictures. My roommate and I just rode out down hear to test out the new wheels, and cool out. I usually take a run from where I live to the sea side near Harbor Land about twice a week, it's good for the soul.. :p

Mi Kasa es Su Kasa

First of all umbrella, in Japanese is Kasa(かさ・傘) Now, since about the past 2 weeks, Tsuyu(梅雨) or the rainy season has started. I won't say that it rains everyday, but it certainly did this weekend. There are also days when the rain is just teasing all day.
Even in any other season, umbrellas are everywhere. I went out in Osaka this weekend and it was definitely raining hard. Usually everyone has these cheap clear umbrellas. So for example when I went out, when it was time to leave you basically just grab an umbrella. They all look just about the same :). Because of this I keep and good umbrella for my everyday use and cheap umbrella I use when I go out.

This is what someone's genkan (玄関)(The place where you put your shoes when first walk in the house) can look like in regards to umbrellas.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Journey

Up until now, I've been keeping everyone up to date with my daily excursions and my life in Japan.
The further I get on the journey and am able to see my progress, I can share my aspirations a bit more.
Ideally, I would like to start working in Japan as soon as my Japanese gets to a proficient level. I'm in no rush, I want the process to be as fun and natural as possible. I'm still a Japanese baby, just born in Himeji 3 months ago. 笑
I've already started seeking out jobs in the IT field, just to see what's out there. I have no experience right now, besides my university studies, and maybe a little side stuff, but hopefully I can get started here in Japan. During university I was not sure what I wanted to do afterward because relocating has always been a dream of mine. I had no idea of where I wanted to go until maybe my second year, and then I graduated a year and a half later, so everything just went by quick! But I was definitely lining my ducks in row for whatever came up.
As of now, I'm really in the mindset of landing a nice job, getting my own place, and the like. Ready to properly spread my wings.
Right now, I can definitely say I'm feeling the vibes in Japan. There's a lot I don't know, and a lot I still have to experience, but this feels propa (
If it's not Japan, the only other place I could see myself going to is Jamaica and Panama, Costa Rica or Colombia, and maybe England, but I need my sunshine so I would have to second guess the last
I'm really open to go anywhere just send on the breadz $$$$$$$$ :P

For now I just close my eyes and see where the journey takes me

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Japan vs. Netherlands

Today I went to the Kobe stadium in Misaki Koen to watch the Japan vs. Netherlands game. :( The energy was good throughout the stadium, even after realizing that Japan was going to lose. I think Japan had plenty of chances to score, but they messed up!! 残念!!Anyway, it was a lot of fun, here are some pics!! Because I've been slacking on takin pics, here are more than usual.
By the way I don't play I just watch, and mash up people on the FIFA PS3 :p

関係ないけど。。。This was earlier in the week in Nishinomiya at the mall. Me eating like a trojan! (笑) This was steak with fried rice and some kind of mustard, and some umeshuu(plum wine) chu hai on the side! おいしかった!!
Ok here's the stadium!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

文楽遠足!Bunraku Field Trip!

Today my school went to see a Bunraku performance. Bunraku is a traditional Japanese puppet theater. It was very interesting. It was hard to understand because they use old Japanese. lol Most of the people fell asleep in between. I'm not going to lie, a dozed off a few times :) but I stayed strong. I wasn't able to take pictures inside, but I took a lot outside of the theater.
Here are some of my classmates. We are all first-year students.

Back in Osaka, I love

I went back to Osaka this weekend, as every weekend for the past 3 or 4 weekends to party :p
We watched the start of the World Cup, and had fun. Unfortunately, I don't have a tv in my place. I try and catch the games online when I can, but they're kinda late star!!
Here are pics, mainly of the view of south Osaka.
We went to Sukiya, a Gyuudon shop to get a late night meal!
We ended up going to the club afterwards...
This is the next morning. Since the trains stop running at about 12:30 we usually stay until the next morning. Usually not sleeping until we reach back to Kobe. :p

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What is your BMI?

This is quite interesting. Meeting new people almost everyday, I am constantly doing self introductions. You know the regular, “Hi my name is …” “Nice to meet you” and stuff like that. Usually people ask your age as well. I’m also used to people asking even my blood type. But yesterday took the cake. Yesterday, a guy I met asked me what my BMI. Afterward he begins to feel for the fat that is no where on my arm. Lol 面白かった!

Horror Movie Season

Now that summer is coming near, so is horror movie season in Japan. Yesterday I went to Shinkaichi (新開地) in Kobe to watch Juon 2(The Grudge) with some friends. It was a lot of fun. Not scary at all, at least to me. J I used to watch a lot of scary movies in college. Most times Friday and Saturday nights were my movie nights, and I would often choose to watch horror films for some reason. I started to watch a lot of Japanese and Thai horror films through recommendations and the fact that a lot of American horror movies were based of these. Last year in college, everybody would gather in my room, eating snacks and drinking shochuu*. Now we’re doing it in Japan. I probably watched so many though, that they are no longer scary, just funny. I am looking forward to having many more movie nights!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Osaka Trip

Today was good. Usually I have class until about 3:30ish, but today the intensive afternoon class was canceled. I like going, but I'm in class from 9 everyday. Since I got out early, I went home and relaxed for a bit before going to Osaka!

One of my language partners invited me to see a film with her and her friends in Osaka. I also invited one of my friends from university. We went to ABC Hall and watched and Italian film. It was pretty interesting. I tried my best to keep up with the Japanese subtitles since that was my best chance at understanding. I also got to practice my Spanish a bit :)

I like going out to places like this, instead of doing the typical party and stuff which I've been doing since I was probably 12. I'm thinking of doing stuff like this at least once a month if I can. There's definitely a lot of good stuff to see.

Here are some pics of Osaka, outside of ABC Hall. I go to Osaka probably about twice a week, but this is my first time really taking pictures. This is actually the cleaner part of Osaka. People usually compare how clean Kobe is compared to Osaka, especially the southern part of Osaka.